TED talk by Amy Cuddy about “Power Posing”

Our body language tends to work in two different directions: Our posture influences our thoughts and our thoughts influence our posture. If, for example, we change our body language into a self confident posture, thoughts and feelings will follow in only 2 minutes and we start to also feel more self confident. This interaction is also called “Body-Mind-Connection”, which has meanwhile been scientifically confirmed.

This phenomenon was investigated by Amy Cuddy for years and she published her knowledge in a TED Talk.
You can find the video link below.

Her explanations are very informative and equally inspiring.
Everybody wants to feel better – and Amy Cuddy gives in her TED Talk practical application ideas, which can be implemented directly.

This talk is about

  • how specific body language creates emotions
  • which high status poses have an effect
  • the meaning of “power posing”


Let yourself be surprised by this speech – It’s 21 minutes that are worth the time!